What I’ve Done In 2021

Okay, this has been another year where I just have to say, if you made it this far- CONGRATULATIONS!  It was another brutal year, and merely surviving it is more than enough to be proud of. There are so many times that I’ve looked back on something and thought, “that was THIS year?” The year started off with domestic terrorism that was the treasonous insurrection on January 6th, and is ending with a COVID surge that is taking out more people that I personally know than I have seen at any point in this pandemic.

However dark and scary the greater world may have been this year, there were times of light and wonder and excitement in my little world. One thing that made this year stand out was all of the reunions!  Moving back to our home state after 16 years away brought us all of the people that we got to see again – the CozDiers were reunited for the first time in 10 years, I’ve spent time with several friends from high school and college, and we got to spend the holidays with our extended family for the first time in forever.

Our family also had two big milestones- the kids’ first trip to Disney World, and Andy’s retirement from the Air Force after 23 years of service.

In addition to all of that, here are my individual accomplishments and other things I’m proud of:

  1. I found a way to make the annual Momma and Me Yuletide theatre trip happen even though the theatres were all closed.  We set up an Italian bistro in the gaming den and watching “Jingle Jangle” on Netflix.
  2. I read at least 16 books (those are the ones I remember… I’m guessing there are probably more!)
  3. I got vaccinated and boosted.
  4. I drove halfway across the country by myself.
  5. I put my feet on the ground in two new states- Indiana and Ohio.
  6. I finally made it to Casey, IL- home of the world’s largest collection of “World’s Largest” things
  7. I survived our final PCS.
  8. I forged a knife and a decorative piece for the house
  9. I recovered from several panic attacks in very public places.
  10. I became my own boss and started a private practice
  11. I set boundaries in my work life regarding scheduling- I did not work on my birthday, nor most of my holidays.  I also told people “no” when they requested evening and weekend appointments after I had already told them I only had daytime availability before they even started.
  12. I prioritized spending the necessary money and vacation time on attending two spiritual retreats- one virtual, one in person.
  13. I prioritized taking one hour per week to meet up with a group of folx that I met through one of my pagan groups and have grown to be an absolutely essential part of of my support system.
  14. I went to the farmers market every week for fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables.
  15. I spent tons of time outdoors hiking and swimming with the family.
  16. I took the kids on several individual Momma and Me Adventures- archery clinics and theatre for Logan, and geocaching and zoo trips for Owen.
  17. While I was not successful in my quest to shoot him in the face, I did cause a foam groundhog to take an arrow to the knee.  I also got him straight through the heart and right in the family jewels.
  18. I performed with my bellydance school at a nursing home and three events- the Annapolis Arts Festival, the Bowie Baysox game, and Midnight Madness in Annapolis.
  19. I auditioned for two shows and was called back for one of them.
  20. I decorated three bellydance bra tops on my own.
  21. I learned how to play taiko drums.
  22. I learned how to spin a fire staff.
  23. I learned how to dance with a sword on my head.
  24. I made kid-friendly feasts for Yule and Samhain.
  25. I made my own Yule decorations.
  26. I made a near-perfect Yule Log cake.
  27. I survived Whamageddon for the first time.
  28. I didn’t get COVID.

I’ve already got a lot of plans and events on the calendar for 2022- and so far two of them have been postponed and one has been switched from in-person to virtual.  It’s frustrating, and I hope it will end soon.  Guess we’ll find out! But even if this does wind up being a year full of virtual events and dining outdoors, I’m sure there will still be parts that make it wonderful.

Wishing you and yours a HEALTHY and happy 2022!

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